New Application West Florida PHRF West Florida PHRF form 7-31-24 Important notes about the Application Your certificate will be sent to the email address you enter in this application form below. Be sure your email is set to allow receipt of emails from Otherwise you might not receive your certificate. 1. Please push CAPS LOCK now. 2. Use TAB to move to the next box. Don’t use the Enter key. Mouse/touch the proper circle for multiple choice answers and then Tab or mouse/touch to the next question. 3. If this boat is new to you, please list the PREVIOUS OWNER in the Modifications Box. 4. If you are providing information to move to a cruising fleet, note “CHANGING FLEET” in the Modifications Box. Pick Cruiser or Pocket Cruiser under “Racing Fleet you are applying for” to access the Cruising Info part of the form. 5. Do not type an apostrophe (‘) or a comma (,) in any field, not even ODay or Cats Meow or your name. 6. All information marked with a red * is required. 7. If your address does not conform to the boxes, as in Canadian or Mexican addresses, enter the extra information in the MODIFICATIONS box and we will make it fit. 8. You can save your form and complete it later at several places in the form. If you do, be sure to CLICK THE BLUE BOX to email yourself the return link. It is saved for only 30 days. Check your SPAM and/or JUNK folders for the email. Without it, you won’t be able to access your saved file. We can’t access your application until you submit it. 9. If you can’t advance to the next page, you are missing required answers on the current page. Check the page for answer highlighted with red box! 10. If you don’t complete the signature box and payment/invoice area and click SUBMIT, your application is not submitted to us. form 07-30-24 All About You … PLEASE put your CAPS LOCK ON. PLEASE!!! Today’s Date Initial Expiration Date Date Rating Needed * Last Name-only 1 owner’s name. * No apostrophe please First Name-only 1 owner’s name * Address * Street & Apt, Unit, etc City * State or Provience * 2 Letter Abbreviation Only Use MODIFICATIONS box at end to enter add’l info ZIP or Postal Code * ZIP Code 5 digits only. Canadians addresses use the 6 letter/number Postal Code. Primary phone * Format as 1111111111 NO – or . or () Email address. * Both entries must MATCH and be a working email. Ratings certificates come to you by email only! Confirm Email address. * Yacht Club optional Use initials for common local clubs (SPYC, etc). You don’t have to belong to a club to get a rating If you are human, leave this field blank. Next Save your form to continue later