Steps to appeal a rating

  • First, discuss the appeal with your local WFPHRF representative.
  • With their assistance, fill out the appeal form, gather race results and data, and forward everything to WFPHRF.
  • The completed appeal must be to the rating committee one week prior to the next committee meeting.
  • Rating committee will review, formulate questions in response, and notify effected boats.
  • At the next meeting, comments and presentations from all concerned parties are permitted.
  • Open discussion will be held.
  • Closed discussion and action by rating committee follows.
  • Notification of decisions and action of ratings committee is announced
  • Notes of the meetings will be available.

The appeal will be forwarded to the chairman of the rating committee at least a week prior to the rating meeting. Actions can take one or more meetings to resolve.
If the appeal concerns your boat, the committee will review the appeal, and determine a list of questions for the appellant to address. The committee will also endeavor to contact the boats in the rating band that the appeal effects. At the subsequent meeting, the concerned parties will be permitted to present their case to the committee, and be available for questions. At the end of the open part of the meeting, the members will be excused, whereupon the committee can discuss the ratings in private.
If the appeal concerns another boat, the committee will review the appeal, then contact the parties involved to allow all sides to present their case at the next meeting.
The Rating Appeals Procedure describes what data the committee reviews and considers when reviewing appeals and or changes to ratings. The more information that the committee receives, the better the decision. In general, the appellant should provide complete race and regatta results for the boat’s fleet and the effect of any requested changes on the race results. For example:

“My results for the season were 10, 11, 6, 2, 8, 1, 9 and 8, with an overall of 7 out of 10. With a 6 sec/mile change, my results would have been 7, 10, 1, 5, 1, 8 and 6 with an overall of 4 out of 10.”

Race results for all skippers of that boat are especially useful.

Comments on boat speed comparison are appropriate and should be provided:

“I’m slightly slower than a J/29 upwind, but much faster downwind. I think that overall I am about 3 sec/mile faster than a J/29.”

Any confusion as to the configuration of the boat (e.g. Tall Mast Version), or any design peculiarities should be clarified.

Other PHRF ratings, IMS ratings and Technical comparisons can be provided and are useful, but in general, the committee will already have access to this information.

Data and information should be provided in a factual manner. All data, both favorable and unfavorable to your position, should be provided. Biasing or withholding information will not impress the committee. Personally appearing before the committee is helpful, but not necessary. Assume that the committee is trying to be as honest and fair as possible, are experts in handicapping boats, but may not know the details and have the necessary data and information on your particular boat and the circumstances surrounding it.

Please send all material to the WFPHRF office as soon as possible. If you appear in person, you may bring additional people, if you desire. You will be asked to present your opinion, comments and recommendations; answer questions and discuss various issues. Final deliberations by the committee will be done in private. Although the rating chairman will typically lead the discussions, all committee members have an equal vote on the decision. You may find that a committee member is a competitor of yours. This is a natural consequence of PHRF being an observed performance handicap system and is allowed by our by-laws. If you feel that the member is unusually biased, please note your feelings to the committee.

Remember: the goal of the committee is to promote and encourage racing by having PHRF ratings that are fair to both you and your competitors.